Paragon Skydiving Club

Perth, PH2 7TB
United Kingdom
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Paragon Skydiving Club is a dropzone located in Perth, United Kingdom. Enjoy the life changing thrill of freefall today.
Contact Info
01821 642 454
Standard Pricing
Tandem: 200 GBP
Tandem Video: 85 GBP
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on July 13, 2023
Unfriendly owner and chief instructor ( both of ‘limited’ experience) generally seem to bully and bluster their way through taking your money for a tandem jump. As an experienced jumper I was treated very badly by this bunch of amateurs. Experience the magnificent views and friendly competent service at Scotlands other two drop-zones and avoid this rather tacky and unprofessional rip-off!
on November 15, 2021
Despite over 35 years skydiving experience (many of them fully professional), I was refused permission to jump because the Chief Instructor ‘didn’t choose’ to follow a British Skydiving’s advice about checking validity of membership documents on line. Whilst this is very obviously at the ‘personal grudge’ level of incident, it reflects very badly on their ‘professionalism’. Despite a few genuinely helpful and skilful employees, this, in my opinion, is a ‘take your money tandem factory’ run by grumpy, tired and cynical 2nd division operators. Avoid!